Engage with PIRE Climate Data
Today, climate change is perhaps the single greatest and most threatening challenge facing our global society. However, the complex challenges of climate change cannot be solved by individual nations, individual disciplines, or individual, stand-alone solutions.
Our international PIRE-CREATE team is utilizing visualization applications to illustrate results from paleoclimate research and model projections in order to enhance the utility and value of PIRE’s research for a broader audience. Our goal is to transform multi-faceted and scientifically complex information into dynamic and easy-to-understand visual representations. As such, PIRE’s pioneering research benefits both scientific and non-scientific audiences by enabling them to grasp difficult concepts and multi-layered data sets, while also understanding emerging climate trends and future risks. Through a cross-disciplinary approach with PIRE’s international partners, PIRE-CREATE’s visualization platform is generating powerful insights for government and public officials of future risks associated with climate change in North and South America over the next 100 years.
What does the data mean?
Tree ring records, what they are and what they can reveal
Tree Ring Viewer: The PIRE CREATE visualization tool provides unique access to NOAA's tree-ring and speleothem archives, as well as an unrivaled number of new, unpublished records, via an interactive mapping and visualization platform for the scientific community, policy-makers and public at large. The visualization platform incorporates PIRE’s collection of paleoclimate research to generate powerful insights for government and public officials of the future risks associated with climate change around the world.
To access the tree ring samples for a site/location, click on the location to open the tree ring visualization module. Information about the study site is located on the right side of the modal. The tree ring visualizations are color coded by growth size. Darker rings are from higher growth years. The line graph below shows growth over time. Click on the X in the top right of the modal to close and continue your investigation.