Semester at Sao Paulo University
As part of our PIRE-CREATE project we offer the opportunity for Environmental Science students to study abroad for one semester (fall semesters only) at the University of Sao Paulo in Brazil. It is one of the most prestigious institutions in higher education in Latin America. It is the largest University in Brazil and consists of 42 different schools spread over 8 cities. The University offers 300 undergraduate programs, attracting foreign students from all over the world who come to study in Sao Paulo. Currently more than 3,500 foreign students study at the University of Sao Paulo for a semester or longer. The university campus offers laboratories, libraries, museums, sports and recreational facilities, restaurants, cafes, and its own transportation service.
Courses & Credits
UAlbany ENV students can chose from a variety of courses related to Environmental Sciences in several different departments, including - but not limited to - Geosciences, Atmospheric Sciences, Biology or Oceanography. We will work with interested students to tailor a course schedule that fits your needs and interest. Classes taken at the University of Sao Paulo will transfer in as full credits to the Albany ENV degree, regardless of concentration, so students will stay on track to graduate on time.
Most classes will be offered in Portuguese, although some English classes may also be available. Therefore knowledge of Portuguese is an advantage but not a prerequisite. We offer intensive Portuguese classes during the semester prior to studying abroad, if there is sufficient demand for such a course.
Studying abroad for a semester is very cheap, as the PIRE Project will cover student’s costs for airfare, international health insurance and cost of living (students receive a stipend that covers costs of housing, food and local transportation). Studying at the University of Sao Paulo is free (no tuition), but students need to remain enrolled at UAlbany and pay tuition. We will cover part of the tuition costs, with the exact amount depending on the number of students interested in studying abroad each year.
Why study abroad in Sao Paulo?
It will allow you to take advantage of the full breadth of classes in Environmental Sciences, most of which UAlbany does not offer. You will also have the opportunity to participate in research projects and internships.
It will help you with your job search. More and more employers value international experience, as it is a competitive advantage in today’s global marketplace.
You will not only learn about science but also about other cultures, their history and different ways of life, increasing your self-awareness.
Living and learning in a new environment will teach you new life skills and increase your independence.
How to apply?
If you are student of Environmental Sciences at the University of Albany and would like to study for a semester in Sao Paulo, please contact us.