Welcome to the PIRE CREATE Webinar Series!
Learn about past, present and future climate change in the US and abroad and how science can be used to inform policy-making.
Join us for one/or all of our webinars where you will have a great opportunity to learn from PIRE CREATE scientists and experts about different topics related to climate change, extreme events, and paleoclimatology. In addition, in our last webinar, our experts will explain how we can communicate science to different audiences and the different tools we can use to reach them.
Climate Change and Extreme Events over the Americas
Learn about climate change, what we know today, and where uncertainties remain.
Hear about impacts of climate change that are already being observed and how they will affect our daily lives going forward, focusing primarily on extreme events.
Paleoclimatology: Understanding our Climate Through Natural Records
Join us for an introduction to the science of paleoclimatology and learn why the past is the key to the future. This webinar will explore how archives found in nature can reveal past changes in the climate system, with an emphasis on knowledge gained from tree rings and cave features.
Visualizing Change: Transforming Data into Actionable Information
Graphical representations help convey complex concepts in a succinct and accessible manner.
Learn how the PIRE team is using visualization tools to communicate science. Come away with the skills you need to provide actionable information for policy-makers.
Who can participate?
This webinar series is open to undergraduate students interested in climate science from all universities and institutions from any country.
Is it necessary to have any previous knowledge to follow the webinars?
These three webinars are introductory sessions and therefore it is not necessary to have any background in the subject. In any case, it is important that participants read the documentation related to each topic before attending the webinar. This documentation will be sent via email once you have registered for the webinar.
What is the PIRE CREATE Project?
PIRE (Partnership in International Research and Education) is a program funded by international science agencies (in the US it is the National Science Foundation), which supports international partnerships that address critical science and engineering problems in a global context, thereby facilitating the development of a diverse, globally-engaged, science and engineering workforce.
PIRE - CREATE is an international collaboration that involves six institutions and 34 investigators from the United States (University at Albany - State University of New York & Columbia University), University of Sao Paulo in Brazil and IANIGLA in Argentina.
We are working to advance paleoclimate research over the Americas to the point where it can transform the way we inform policy- and decision-making at a trans-national level about the risks of climate change and place future projections in a broad historical context. The project is co-funded by the US National Science Foundation (NSF) and the Sao Paulo State Research Agency (FAPESP). Learn more about the PIRE CREATE Project.
Who will be leading the webinars?
PIRE CREATE scientists and climate experts will be giving the talks. Our team is composed of many scientists with diverse backgrounds in areas related to the study of climate (geography, chemistry, physics, environmental sciences, geology...). Our team also includes a group of experts in the development of visualization tools, and policy experts working as intermediaries between scientists and politicians at regional, national and international levels. Meet our team>
To participate in the webinars, it is necessary to complete the registration form. There is a form for each webinar so if you want to participate in more than one, you must register for each of them separately.
A link to the webinar will be sent by email. We will use the ZOOM application. If this is your first time using it, you will have to download it and register before the meeting. We will send you instructions on how to do this in a future email.